The Best Bodybuilding Foods to Eat For That Dream Body

You'll need to eat more carbs and fewer fats before and after workouts to promote energy and muscle growth. If you're training to growth on size, you'll eat like this more frequently. And when you're hours removed from a workout, you'll limit carbs and increase fats, which will keep you on track to meet your fat-loss goals.
The foods you need to include in your diet to promote healthy growth of muscle mass, are easily available. It's common for weight lifters to use the low carb diet for weight loss for fitness.


This magnificent muscle-building food also possesses an extremely high biological value - meaning that a large proportion of the protein absorbed from egg whites is readily utilized by your body for protein synthesis. Egg whites also contain very few carbohydrates and are a source of vitamins and minerals.
Nutrient Values
Food Calories Protein Carbs Fat Details
Egg whites 50 84% 8% 0%

Nutrient Values
Food Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Chicken breast 172 48% 0% 48%
Turkey 119 73% 0% 22%
3. FISH:

Although the recurring theme so far has been to eat foods that are low in fat, fish is one exception to this rule. Of course you want to stay away from saturated and trans fats, but your body still needs essential fatty acids such as omega-3 to help support the muscle-building process.
Cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, trout and sardines are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. Canned fish packed in water also comes in very handy because it provides a quick source of protein when on the go.
Nutrient Values
Food Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Salmon 116 69% 0% 27%
Tuna 116 88% 0% 6%
Trout 148 56% 0% 40%
Sardines 208 47% 0% 50%

Fiber is essential to maintaining a regular and normal healthy bowel movement as well as proper insulin response - which is critical to muscle growth as both functions aid in absorption and use of various nutrients and supplements ingested by bodybuilders.
Kidney beans in particular are a very popular choice as they provide nearly 14 grams of both protein and fiber per cup! That's why you should never ignore the power of the bean!
Nutrient Values
Food Calories Protein Carbs Fat
Kidney Beans 29 58% 57% 17%
Lima Beans 113 24% 71% 7%
Navy Beans 67 37% 78% 9%

However, because red meats do possess a higher level of saturated fats, they should not be consumed on an everyday basis. Lean red meats are best incorporated into a weekly diet of chicken, turkey and fish - adding a little variety to your weekly nutrition plan.
6. Sweet Potatoes:

7. Healthy nuts and seeds:

The healthy fats help to keep your joints well lubricated and also cut down on unhealthy cholesterol in the body. Nuts and seeds in moderation are a healthy snack to eat to help keep hunger pangs at bay. The fats in nuts and seeds also act as a healthy source of energy. Eat them with fruits or low-fat yogurt for a healthy snack between meals.
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